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Ultimate success of the V SISGA

With the Sommelier Day aimed for the professionals of the sector, the V SISGA puts an end to its activities with unsurpassable results.

THE CIDER.- In the Sommelier Day, which took place today at Bernueces Cider Mill, the professionals of the sector tasted the awarded ciders in the SISGA’15 Awards, and shared the elements of assessmenty of the ciders according to the different sensibilities of each cider producing country.


In that way and apart of the valorations of the product, its ellaboration, its development and the possible pairings, there also was spoken about the need to put together the criteria among cider sommleirs international wide and to have a common European regulations that allow cider to enjoy the conomic supports that nowadays the wine already has, which would allow it to get to annual grants of hundreds of millions.

On the other hand and just finished this V SISGA, there have been settled the grounds for next year’s one, with bnew experiences and proposals gathered during this edition to make Xixón the worldwide capital of cider, with the presence and participation of the best cider makers of the world.

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