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Trabanco cider and Alcares cheeses, presented in London

The emblematic cider mill from Xixón and the new cheese factory from Sieru will participate this 8th of February in Tentación Ibérica.

THE CIDER.- The event is organized by the Asturian company Gustatio and will take place in the Asturian restaurant Hispania, gastronomically adviced by the chef MArcos Morán, who began three years ago in Uviéu and now is his first chance in a foreign country.

In this international event participate Trabanco Cider, the cider mill from Xixón with almost a hundred years of history and which has a relevant presence in the UK through the 1/3 format cider Avalon and being established also with the brut cider Poma Áurea.


Likewise there will be also present the cheese factory Alcares of Pola Sieru, ellaborator of the blue cheese of the same name which will go along with the participant white wines and ciders.


sidre, sidra, sidro, cider, cidre, sagardoa, Apfelwein, Píngguǒ jiǔ, cidro, siideri, seidr, leann úll, Saidā, sider, jablečné víno, jabłecznik, sydr

L’emblemáticu llagar xixonés y la nueva quesería sierense participarán esti 8 febreru en Tentación Ibérica.

LA SIDRA.- L’eventu, entamáu pola empresa asturiana Gustatio y que tendrá llugar nel tamién asturianu restaurán Hispania, asesoráu gastronómicamente pol cocineru Marcos Morán, entamó hai tres años n’Uviéu, y ye la primer ocasión na que se cellebra fuera l’Estáu.

Nesti eventu internacional participa Sidre Trabanco, llagar xixonés con cuasique cien años d’hestoria, que cunta con importante presencia nel Reinu Xuníu, al traviés de la sidre en formatu 1/3 Avalon, y onde ta posicionándose tamién la so sidre brut Poma Áurea.


Asina mesmo, tamién tará presente la quesería Alcares, de La Pola Sieru, ellaboradora del quesu azul del mesmu nome qu’armonizará cola sidre y los vinos blancos participantes. 


sidre, sidra, sidro, cider, cidre, sagardoa, Apfelwein, Píngguǒ jiǔ, cidro, siideri, seidr, leann úll, Saidā, sider, jablečné víno, jabłecznik, sydr

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