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Presentation of the 8th IHGC/ SISGA in An Oriant

Today will be the presentation of the International Show of the Sidres de Gala at the Interceltic Festival of An Oriant.

LA SIDRA.- The Asturian pavilion in An Oriant (Lorient, Brittany) will be the stage where the eighth edition of the SISGA/ International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC) will be presented. The event, organized by the delegation of the Asturies XXI Foundation at the festival, will also include the participation of international cidermakers-some with SISGA awards- that are also present at this interceltic festival.

The presentation will begin at 5:30 pm and in during the presentaion the attendees will be able to enjoy cider from more than eight countries. Asturies will be represented by the cider Riestra, Cortina, Casta帽贸n, Viuda de Angel贸n and the cider of La Naveta.

Cider maintains its place as the most important product in the Interceltic Festival of the city, being present in all spaces of Celtic nations, although Breton cider is everywhere, in all meals and restaurant terraces. Even this year it occupies an entire avenue of cider from Breton producers of higher and lower volume, where all the different tendencies that the cider world in Breizh can be appreciated.

This event is organized by the Asturies XXI Foundation in collaboration with the Pavilion of Asturies, with Jes煤s Adrian Rodriguez Alvarez at the head, who has the support of the Tourism Office of Asturias.

(Visited 2,955,041 times)
Anzu Fern谩ndi
Anzu Fern谩ndez is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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