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Photographic chronicle of the International Hall of Gala Cider

We offer you a chronicle, with links to the photo galleries, of what was the XIII Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala, a historical SISGA in more than one sense in which records were broken and historical documents were signed.

The participants in the 13th Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala were received on the morning of Thursday 28th at the reception of the Hotel Zentral Rey Pelayo, to participate in the opening ceremony of the XIII Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala, with the participation of Marcos A. Fdz. President of the Asturies XXI Foundation, Manuel G. Busto, President of the SISGA Awards jury, and Gianluca Telloli, cidermaker of Llagar Maley -Val d’ Aosta, Italy-, who focused his speech on his vision of the future of cider from the past, followed by a guided tasting of his main products. During the midday and taking advantage of the lunch break, they got to know first hand the atmosphere of the cider houses of Xixón, before returning to continue with the scheduled activities.

Throughout the afternoon, guided tastings were held by Sidras da Madeira, which has recently achieved its PGI recognition, and by the products of the cider mill of Panizales in Mieres.

The second day of the Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala started early, with the meeting in the lounge of the Finca El Duque Restaurant of the jury, composed of a representative of each participating cider mill and chaired by Manuel Busto.

While the jury members made their deliberations, the SISGA organization prepared for the rest of the participants a series of parallel activities: on the one hand, a large group went to the guided visit to the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, where the member of the jury of the Cider Pouring Championship, Abrahan Castellanos (Fonte Villoria Cider House) conducted a pouring workshop; on the other hand, some producers visited the Finca El Gallinal and its apple orchards with the help of Daniel Exner. Finally a fourth group, formed mainly by authorities who came for the signing of the European Network of Cider Cities received from Augusto Paramio, Coordinator of CERV and Creative Europe Culture, Ministry of Culture and Sport of the European Citizenship Point, Ministry of Culture and Marcos A. Fdz a theoretical and practical guidance on how best to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this figure for the future of cider on the continent.
On Friday afternoon took place the historic signing of the Protocol of Accession to the European Network of Cider Cities, RECS, in the Reception Hall of the City Council of Xixón, with Mrs. Mayoress of Xixón, Mrs. José María de la Torre, the Mayoress of Xixón and the Mayoress of the City Council. Mayoress of Xixón, Carmen Moriyón, as hostess of the Cider and the intervention and signature by the authorities of the Czech Republic, Madeira, Tenerife, Servoz (France) Sain Marcel (Italy) Kuartango (Basque Country), Portugal, Valleseco (Gran Canaria) and, as Asturian representation, Nava, Cangues d Onís, and Xixón.

After a new immersion session in the Cider Culture at Cimavilla, the international contingent moved to Nava, where they visited the Cider Museum, during which took place the investiture -by surprise- of the Japanese cider maker and importer Tatsuro Fuji, from Fukiware Cider Mill as Sicerator of Honor.
Then he made the presentation of the Japanese ciders, before the visit to Roza Cider Mill, cidermaker of the “Primer Sidre l’Añu” (Best First Cider of the Year) in the editions 2022 and 2023.
Finally, the dinner-spicha took place at the nearby Llagar de Sorribes, where many of the newcomers dared to put into practice their newly acquired skills as cider pourers.
On Saturday, September 30, the Tasting Open to the Public took place, where all Asturians had the rare opportunity to learn first-hand about the most surprising and highest quality ciders and derivates on the international scene, as well as to engage in direct conversation with the cider makers themselves and attend several product presentations guided by the producers themselves.
The cider mill of El Trole was that same night the place chosen to celebrate the ‘Espicha de Xermandía’ of SISGA’23, attended by all national and international cider makers, importers and exporters, specialized press as well as collaborators of the Asturies XXI Foundation and LA SIDRA magazine and in which all the llagareros performed traditional songs from their countries.

On Sunday the SISGA’23 ended with the so-called Gala Brunch in which Pedro Baldó, chef of the Finca El Duque Restaurant, presented a selection of dishes of the highest quality in which seafood and fish stood out, perfect for pairing with the different ciders that were served as accompaniment in a gastronomic tasting of more than three hours in which the versatility of cider and its suitability to perfectly accompany dishes of the highest cuisine was demonstrated. During the Brunch, the awaited awards corresponding to the SISGA Awards were handed out, which awarded a total of 160 prizes, 24 of them to Asturian products.

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