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VII Hall of the DOP Cider of Asturies

DOP 16On next Tuesday 28th of June there will be the presentation of the XXI Harvest ad the VII Edition of the DOP Cider Hall.

THE CIDER.- This time the event will be placed in the Mieres’ Fair Area (Av. del Camín, Santullano), ans the schedule is from 11.30 to 14.30h and from 17.00h to 20.00h. To attend will be compulsory  an invitation to the event.

With this presentation the new harvest of the DOP “Cider of Asturies” goes one step beyond in giving to know socially this quality label, true guarantee that the apple for the cider elaboration is Asturian and has standards of quality proper of good cider.

AS it is already well known, to guarantee that the apples used are Asturian does not only contribute to enhance the quality of the product, which is very important, but furthermore it gives viability to the harvester Asturian sector, deeply damaged by the policies it has been suffering during the last years.

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