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Trabanco wins in Villaviciosa

This cider mill from Xixón won in the 33rd Asturian Cider Contest held in n Villaviciosa.


LA SIDRA.- Trabanco got 95 points in this 33rd Asturian Cider Contest of Villaviciosa. The finals held yesteray at 7 pm and gave only 8 bottles which were not disclosed. In the first round Trabanco got a score of 45 points. The six judges gave it 9 points each.

It happened the same with another participant cider “number 5”, which got exactly the same score, but the tie was cleared in thre second round. The 1st cider, by the cider mill from Llavandera, got 10 points so it reached the first place in the podium, with the second with 93 points.

The jury was composed by Víctor Fernández, Agustín Rodríguez, Maximino Villarrica, Luis Manuel Naredo and Gumersindo Martínez. The president was Tano Collada and in the contest participated 45 cider mills, which makes of this contest one of the three biggest ones: Nava’s Villaviciosa and the First Cider of the Year.

“For me Villaviciosa is one of the contest held just when cider is in its better conditions.Cider from the previous season get this quality, good enough to win in this contest, which is a big merit. And I know that all my partners were anxious about the result, all of them bring their best ciders and for them all is a great joy to win. Therefore, we can’t be too happy or too san. Sometimes you get the prize and some others you have to congratulate the winner. The important thing is to be here and take part” explained to this media Samuel Trabanco few moments after getting the award.

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