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Tasting of SISGA’15 Awards

SISGA15Inside the schedule of the I Apple Smashing Party of Noreña there were two guided cider tastings of the ciders awarded in the SISGA’15 Awards.

THE CIDER.- Today at 6pm there was a guided tasting by David Castañón, prestigious gastronome author of the blog “les fartures”, presenting the ciders: Ecusson Brut (Normandy. France), Mayador Rosée (Asturies) and Magic Apple (Slovaquia).

Tomorrow at midday there will be a guided tasting by the president of the international jury of the SISGA Awards, Manuel Busto, presenting New expression Villacuvera (Cortina Cider MIll), Guzmán Riestra semi dry (Riestra cider mill) and Rossbach (Czech Republic).

This is the best chance to give to know these ciders and get the most of them in the nice festivity that is the I Apple Smashing in Noreña.

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