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Cider in a can

El Gaitero will present in Alimentaria its cider in a can

THE CIDER.- The cider leader in statal range (32 millions in 2015 according to Alimerket) continues to bet for innovation with this new container to try ti get closer to the youth as part of the international dynamic of putting cider and beer at the same level.

This new cider will be presented in Alimentaria, one of the main international fairs of food to be held in Barcelona on next weekend. This is a very usual format internationally and also has precedents in our country like cider by Lagar Fuensanta or Champanera from Villaviciosa, which also made cider in that format.


Regrettably as it already happened with the small bottle they have in the market, El Gaitero gives away its condition of ellaborator of Asturian cider and labels its cider as “Spanish cider”, which might be rentable at international level but damages severely Asturian cider. THis generates a confusion while speaking about a non existing Spanish cider and lowers the Asturies labela t every level, which is significant in a company that from the XIX century has been making Asturian Cider.

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