Inicio > EN > Roxmut succeeds in its presentation

Roxmut succeeds in its presentation

The public presentation of the “Roxmut” vermouth at Castañón Cider Mill was a true success, both for its originaliy as for the organization of the event and the attention given to the attendees.


THE CIDER.- Made with more than a 80% of cider and fifteen alcohol degrees and 3 months aged in cask, Roxmut vermouth gives a true shake to the cider sector with this unexpected product, breaker of the borders traditionally given to cider. It vindicates its own capability to answer any oenologic proposals, opening new markets that until now seemed impossible to reach for cider.

Of bright amber color, with acid scent proper of cider apple and dry and sour taste with touches, as explained by Julián Castañón cider maker of that cider mill, the company will invest 600.000 € to produce 200.000 bottles in coming years, with the certainty that it will be a perfect beverage for snacks.

To the presentation event, which took place in the cider mill, attended hundreds of people, presented by thr actor Alberto Rodríguez and attending Alejandro Vega, mayor of Villaviciosa, and the councilwoman of Rural Development, Mª Jesús Álvarez.

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