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VII Feira da Sidra Natural in A Estrada

The municipality of A Estrada from Pontevedra is organizing the seventh edition of this cider fair on June 2nd, which will have an Asturian, Breton, Portuguese and Basque presence.

THE CIDER.- Little by little the cider is establishing itself in Galicia, where the institutions bet strongly for this product, and there will be 10 Galician cider mills -most of them non-professionals- that participate in this seventh edition of the VII Feira da Sidra Natural and ecologic that right now is a cider reference in Galicia and has an interesting international presence, with the participation of Asturian, Breton, Leonese, Portuguese and Basque cider mills.Specifically from Galicia, the cider mills Andaina, Camino Cfea, Maeloc, Peroja, Ribela, Torres de Moreda, Val do Traba and Cioba will participate; of Asturies will be present Solleiro, Cabueñes, and Somarroza (Piélagos); from Euskal Herria, Astarbe and Bereziartua; of Llión, Carral and L’Agüelo; of Brittany, Le Maitre and of Portugal Corrupia. Likewise, the Guerrilla Imports company will provide German, English and Breton cider.
On the other hand, the VII Feira da Sidra Natural and ecologica will have other activities of a cultural nature and with different performances and concerts.

(Visited 2,781,682 times)
Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).

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