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Eleven cider mills at the Fiesta de la Sidra de Villaviciosa

This year there will be no contest to choose the best cider of the meeting; the roller hockey champions and the Breton band Kevrenn Alré d’Auray will open the festival on September 7

THE CIDER.- Eleven Maliayan cider mills will participate in the XXII edition of the Fiesta de la Sidra de Villaviciosa. This year’s official glass collects an image of the Church of San Juan de Amandi, a jewel of the Romanesque, with the emblem of the Camino de Santiago, and the commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Brotherhood of Carmen de Amandi

This year’s edition was presented today at the town hall and was attended by representatives of the municipal corporation such as the mayor, Alejandro Vega Riego; and the councilwoman, Rocio Vega. Also in attendance were the llarareros of Sidra Cortina, Sidra J. Tomás and Sidra Vallina; as well as the manager of the PDO Cider of Asturies Daniel Ruiz.

On September 7 the eleven sores of the council will offer cider in the enclosure of the Town Hall square, prior to the acquisition of the official dedicated glass. At noon the opening ceremony of the party will take place, after the first culin that this time will be offered to the Telecable Hockey Club team, ambassadors of the Sidra de Asturias 2019. They will be accompanied at the event by the guests of honor, the band of bagpipes Bagad Kevrenn Alré d’Auray, from Brittany, one of the most prestigious in the world. This music and folklore group will participate in the International Bagpipe Festival 2019. Until 15:00 hours you can taste the cider of Buznego, Castañón, Coro, Cortina, El Gobernador, Frutos, J. Tomás, Los Gemelos, M. Busto , M. Vigón and Vallina.

Also in a press release it is noted: “The organization has introduced in this edition some of the improvements requested by the sector, represented by the Asturian Cider Association (ASSA) in the so-called cider decalogue, with the purpose of its progressive incorporation. This will have security control to ensure compliance with the prohibition of alcohol consumption by minors, hygienic services, enclosed area, and absence of competition for the best cider of the Fiesta. Thanks to the City Council for the collaboration of the flares they offer your product for free with the purpose of promoting cider and cider culture “.

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