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Cider of Selection Day 2017

It has been carried out in Foncueva Cider Mill and there are also Trabanco, Peñón and Muñiz, all four are part of the quality brand.

LA SIDRA.- Yesterday took place the first of the Training Days Sidre d’Escoyeta (Cider of Selection). A course to which the College of Critics, media and bloggers were invited. Between the last two: -Les Fartures, Empáchate, Lloca pola sidra, la sidae ta de moda, Omacatladas, Fartúcate, Non te quedes ensin comelo nin bebelo, TPA, Gastroastur, The Wandering S and LA SIDRA. MAgazine.The objective of the day was to make known in depth the aforementioned guarantee mark, what processes are developed, what differences it presents with conventional natural cider, who are part of this project and what role has each of the professionals who contribute to the Cider of Selection.

The place where it has been held was Foncueva Cider Mill, in Sariego it begun at seven o’clock in the afternoon. The first to offer his presentation was Jorge García, technical director of plant production of Campoastur. He spoke about the races of apple existing in Asturies and which are used to elaborate this mark of quality; Also of the tests of maturity, the method of collection and the times of apple smashing. The following exhibitors were the makers of the brand: José Manuel Riestra from Sidra Muñiz, Samuel Trabanco from Sidra Trabanco, Cele Foncueva from Sidra Foncueva and Juan Manuel Golnzález from Sidra Peñón. Next, Roberto Menéndez, chief auditor of Bureau Veritas explained how the certification of the Cider of Selection is carried out.

La postrera de les ponencies teóriques corrió al cargu de Lluis Nel Estrada quien dio unos curtios apuntes sobro l’oficiu del echaor y el so futuru;  amás d’anunciar que se ta llevando a cabu un proyeutu pa la reconocencia profesional de los echaores, siendo elli la persona responsable. Dempués, Sabino Pérez, mayestru echaor, ensiñó a los asistentes los conceutos básicos de mano a echar y Maximino Villarica, presidente de la Mesa de Tastia de Sidre d’Escoyeta, demostró, con unos culinos de la sidre nuevo de Foncueva y con otros de sidre yá trasegao, cómo se realiza una degustación de la nuesa bébora tradicional. Pa rematar, espicha nel llagar y sidre… sidre d’escoyeta.

The last of the theoretical lectures was run by Lluis In the Estrada who gave some brief notes on the office of the cider pourer and its future; In addition to announcing that a project for the professional recognition of the cider pourers is being carried out, being him the person responsible. Afterwards, Sabino Pérez, master cider pourer, taught the participants the basic concepts and Maximino Villarica, president of the Tasting Table of Cider of Selection, explained with some blended and not blended cider from Foncueva, how to make a proper tasting. To finish off, there was an espicha in the cider mill with cider of selection.

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